AsteriaMUD Wiki

The Wild Enclave is one of the four main guilds, consisting of mortals who have chosen a life connected with nature in some form. Whether a ranger trekking across the snowy tundra, a shaman collecting herbs in the forest, or a warrior protecting a sacred valley, members dedicate their lives to understanding and communing with nature in their individual and unique ways.

The main guild hall of the Enclave is a collection of treehouses built into the highest treetops of Faewood Forest. The Enclave is also said to have hidden outposts scattered throughout the various wildlands across Asteria, accessible only by guild members. Wherever they travel, skilled Enclavers are so attuned to their natural surroundings that their bodies are imbued with power from the ever-changing seasons and elements of nature. Many master the ability to control the minds of beasts and even take on their unique characteristics.

Enclave equipment is crafted via primitive but effective methods, frequently utilizing the raw, natural materials of the earth and its inhabitants. This includes materials such as stone, bark, leaves, scales, bones and others. Enclavers are partial to dyeing their armor and clothing with varying shades of their official guild colors - green and yellow.

Guild Abilities:

  • Wanderlust - gain stat bonuses based on your current natural surroundings
  • Evolution - gain stat bonuses based on the current season
  • Favored Enemy - use HUNT to gain an advantage when fighting a certain monster type
  • Dowsing - use DOWSE to find the nearest available spot for foraging
  • Falconry - release a falcon to explore areas without entering them and retrieve items for you
  • Beast Taming - tame beasts in the wild and turn them into your unique, named pets
  • Tattooing - mix inks and brand yourself or others with tattoos providing beneficial effects
  • Aspects - gain unique powers and traits based on various wild animals
  • Pack Leader - control a total of 3 permanent pets